Monday, January 23, 2012

Northern Pinball League Results

So my first league entry and I am very pleased to have come 12th out of 24, earning myself 4 league points.

I let myself down on some of the games that I know really well (Medieval Madness 18th and Twilight Zone 9th) , but I did really well with a 2nd place on Scared Stiff, just being beaten to 1st by David Dutton. I was annoyed to have just missed out on achieving Scared Stiff, which would have resulted in my score being significantly higher, but can't complain about 2nd place.

I managed averagish scores of the remainder of the machines that I was not familiar with, using the "bash every target in sight" technique for unfamiliar table play lol

I will have to get some more practice in for the next meet and see if I can advance my rank at all.

Overall it was a really good fun day. Thankyou very much to the host for letting us into his home to play his excellent collection of machines, and thanks to everyone I met for making me feel welcome!